WordCamp Phoenix 2024
🚨 If you’re looking for my presentation from WCPHX 2023, Migrating your Workflow from ACF Flexible Content Rows to ACF Blocks, you can find that here. Custom Block Development… Using Other Blocks Learn how to build a custom block- using only other core blocks. Why? WordPress core already offers blocks for most common HTML elements-…
In Support of Canonical Plugins
There’s a few additional features that WordPress should really offer out of the box, based on a more modern expectation of what a website could/should be.
Thoughts on Version Control for Block Themes
How do we handle version control for ongoing development of a block-based website?
The block editor is still not a page builder
My thoughts on why the block editor is NOT a page builder. Along the way I talk about alignments, widths, semantic elements, block styles, theme, page builders, and more.
Custom Settings Screens in Block Themes
How do you build custom settings pages for “modern” WordPress?
WP Accessibility Day 2023
On September 28th, Aurooba and I will be co-presenting at WP Accessibility Day – a free, online conference dedicated to web accessibility and WordPress.
Building the WordPress Icon Library
Last week I was inspired to quickly code up a one-pager: a searchable guide to the WordPress icon library
Styling the separator block in five attempts
Exploring different ways to change the default color of the Separator block in WordPress, including using regular CSS, scoped CSS, theme.json, and block-specific stylesheets.
Embracing theme.json, kicking and screaming
Theme.json is great for blocks, but what about themes and plugins that use good ol’ HTML?
What makes a good design-to-dev handoff?
Three reasons I had a really great design-to-dev handoff last week for a new website build.