Getting the Block Editor Ready for AI
If WordPress wants to survive, it needs to take generative AI seriously.
Are Matt’s AI Skills Making WordPress Developers Obsolete?
In this livestream, Matt shows me his new AI developer skills and I decide if I should be worried about my career.
Pull WordPress from Prod to Local with WP-CLI Bash Script
Simple bash script for pulling your wp-content folder and database down into your local environment.
Is LLM-generated code good for open source?
Thoughts on whether generative AI-based coding is really going to save open source software.
Another Post About What WordPress Core Should be Doing
There’s been another batch of “what WordPress should do” posts this past month. They’re all great, but I think there’s something missing from the conversation.
WP Queries in PHP and JavaScript – Building a custom Avatar block
In this video, I share how I built a custom solution for displaying guest speaker images on my podcast website using WordPress. I combined plugins like Seriously Simple Podcasting and the outdated WP Term Images, then created a custom Gutenberg block to dynamically display speaker headshots. I discuss the challenges of working with the REST…