Exploring Modern
WP Development

Hi, I’m Brian Coords and I’m helping WordPress developers and agencies make the transition into the new era of the Block Editor.

Latest Posts, Videos, and more

  • WCUS Full Site Editing Practice Livestream 1

    Follow along as I rebuild a site live in FSE in preparation for the WCUS Speed Build Challenge.

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    Will WordPress 6.6 have components?

    A true component-based web design system inside of WordPress would be the developers dream, but I just don’t think we’re there yet.

  • Section Styles in WordPress 6.6

    Let’s dig into Section Styles- the pros, the cons, and will theme developers be using them? (coming in WordPress 6.6).

  • WordPress 6.6 is changing the game for Custom Fields

    WordPress is bringing Custom Fields to blocks. The Block Bindings API is going to change the way we code for postmeta, and WordPress 6.6 is our first glimpse.

  • Registering Block Settings in PHP?

    Thoughts on adding custom fields to Gutenberg blocks- using PHP, no JavaScript or React. Should WordPress let us register custom fields on blocks?

  • WordPress Playground Blueprints and 6.6 Beta

    Let’s dig into WordPress Playground and see how you can use it to do anything with WordPress, including beta test the next major release.