WordPress Twitter and Litter Box Misinformation

What do litter boxes, advice blogs, and conspiracy theories have in common? They’re the topic of my main post this week. Warning: it’s a fairly personal one. As I think about the future of the internet, I’m genuinely concerned about our (read: my) inability to create deeper meaning at scale or to even be able to share information in a reliable way:
✏️ The Information Ecosystem of Litter Boxes

The big kerfuffle on WordPress Twitter this week was all about ACF fields versus Gutenberg! Of course it was. It often is. I’ve written about this in the past for MasterWP (The Imaginary Block-vs-Classic Battle in WordPress) but took a slightly different approach this week:
✏️ A Mild Defense of Meta Boxes

One of the things I’ve been working on in my spare time is creating a WordPress plugin using mostly Github Copilot. I tell Copilot what I want and it writes the code. Or most of it. Ok some of it? It’s an experiment, let’s just say that. I’ll probably dedicate a few posts to it in the coming weeks, but one thing I’m realizing is that Copilot thinks it can write the entire plugin but it does a much better job when I give it smaller, more discrete tasks. Don’t we all?

A few quick links before I go:

That’s all for now. Have a great week and reach out here or on the fediverse (or Twitter) to talk about all things WordPress.

Brian Coords
Modern WordPress Development