On Lord of the Rings and Culture
As a long-time Lord of the Rings fan, I know what it’s like to have ALL the feelings before a major adaptation of Tolkien’s work is released.
Born Standing Up Book Notes & Review
If you learn anything from Born Standing Up, Steve Martin’s memoir, it’s that he’s at heart a magician and that a magician never reveals his tricks. Throughout Martin seems to be giving us an almost antiseptic account of the facts of his life. He tells the story of a man named Steve Martin without really revealing…
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Book Review and Notes
I remember reading this book, but I don’t remember reading this book. Most critics point out that Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is probably three or four books in one, and that each time you read it, you’re reading something unique. When I read ZMM ten years ago, it was definitely a book about philosophy and…
Breaking the Time Barrier Book Notes and Review
Mike McDermott’s Breaking the Time Barrier, a choose-your-own-price ebook, evaluates the value-based approach to pricing services through a fictional conversation between a professional and a curious amateur. Through their dialogue, the reader is introduced to the idea that we should determine the value of our services based on the potential return for the client rather than…