In last week’s newsletter, I wrote about the opportunity to discuss the Gutenberg project in an option forum, on the “Bridge Builders” livestream.
After the stream, I had a lot of followup thoughts, emails, DMs, and comments to parse through. I drafted a few blog posts, but nothing seemed to say what I wanted it to say.
At the end of the day, the most common question I got was for a look at the custom theme I was using and more context around whether or not I was using a bunch of pre-written code (versus using paid plugins that are made of… pre-written code). The truth was that I wrote very little code, so I ended up recording a stream-of-consciousness followup going over the custom block theme and my (minimal) set up, and thoughts on the page builder YouTuber community’s obsession with “dynamic data”.

And if you haven’t checked it out, here’s the original livestream:

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