Quidditch as Self-Directed Sports Education
My daughter, who currently goes by the name Hermione Granger, has brought Harry Potter fandom to a fever pitch in our house. While reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban to her, I was struck by how foreign many of the underlying concepts of quidditch at Hogwarts felt to me. If you haven’t engaged…
On Watching Our Daughter Teach Herself to Read
One of the hardest mental hurdles in self-directed education is the idea that you don’t sit down with the purpose of teaching your kids to read– not unless they explicitly ask for it. You don’t require daily reading lessons, and you never ask the question, “Is my child reading at grade level yet?” Of course…
Solving Math Problems with Math Problems
To a man with a hammer, everything is a nail. To a math professor who sees the need for more female math students, everything is a math problem. The context of her article- there are not enough females in STEM- and the core of her argument- that this comes from an institutional lack of confidence…
Writing vs Content Marketing
In the book Sick in the Head, a young Jerry Seinfeld is interviewed by an even younger Judd Apatow about the state of stand-up comedy in the 80s. They discuss the difference between comedians who view stand-up as the ultimate goal and comedians who use comedy as a tool to get fame, notoriety, or to get on a…
Speaking at WordCamp OC 2017
I will be speaking at WordCamp OC 2017 on the topic of WordPress for Nonprofits. June 10 & 11 in Irvine. When I originally applied to speak, I remember filling out a few boxes, summarizing my potential speech in three lines or less. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what I wrote. I’m sure it was…
A Beginner’s Guide to the WordPress REST API
A Beginner’s Guide to the WordPress REST API on Toptal.com I wrote a post for the Toptal.com blog. The article covers the WordPress REST API, as well as provides an introduction to REST APIs in general. I offer an example use case that you can follow along, and discuss some future potential of the project.…