Copilot + WordPress: A Few Tips
Tips and tricks for using Github Copilot with WordPress development as I try to write a plugin using AI pair-programming.
The Information Ecosystem of Litter Boxes
As I think about the future of the internet, I’m genuinely concerned about our inability to create deeper meaning at scale or to even be able to share information in a reliable way.
A Mild Defense of Meta Boxes
WordPress Twitter was provoked this past week with a critique of developers using ACF meta boxes and options pages to control content.
Thoughts on designing for developers
We’ve been tightening up some internal processes at work, one of them being the design-to-dev handoff process. This is just a brief collection of thoughts for designers from the developer perspective.
Finding a newsletter workflow for WordPress
You’d think that creating an email newsletter in WordPress would be easier in 2023.
Stuffed full of the feed
Is 2023 the year the “feed” finally wins the war against self-selected content?
What’s the point of Twitter?
I’m reevaluating my relationship with Twitter and with social media in general.
There’s too much code
With AI tools like Github Copilot on the rise, I have some concern about the sheer amount of code we’re dealing with in our jobs today.
“Normal” width websites in the block editor
What is going on with max-widths and alignments in the block editor? Is there a method behind this madness?
Recreating the Quick Draft dashboard widget using the WordPress Data Layer
Thanks to this great course on Learn WordPress, I’ve recently been inspired by the potential of the WordPress Data Layer. The best way I can describe the data layer is to imagine having a complete UI framework of WordPress components- then combining that with a complete React.js/Redux JavaScript framework hand-tailored to the WordPress REST API.…